Waste management
Waste management

Commitment to the circular economy by giving waste a second life. Thus, we want to promote the use of recycled aggregates in new construction works, offering recycled sands and gravels in our farms that are processed in the treatment plants by cleaning, crushing and classification of concrete waste. We currently have permits for the management of waste concrete at four sites.

In addition, SODIRA has all the necessary authorisations to make use of the mining voids generated during the life of the mine, by means of backfilling or backfilling using clean earth from works and clearings that take place in nearby urban centres. In this way, a solution is provided for waste management in the local economy. SODIRA currently has seven authorised pits.

Sustainable extraction at source
We make a significant effort to apply the basic principles and concepts of sustainable development in our open-pit mining operations and their treatment plants, from the initial moment of extraction, seeking to minimise the impact on the natural system throughout the process by carrying out an Environmental Impact Assessment to ensure that potential impacts on biodiversity are prevented or corrected.

As part of the responsible management of the waste generated at its farms, SODIRA verifies all its waste collection suppliers as authorised waste managers.
The company manages its waste under the premise of trying to recycle most of it, always bearing in mind that each component is different and must therefore be treated differently. In this respect, the use of waste as a source of energy is favoured and, if this is not possible, its appropriate disposal in a controlled landfill.