Space rehabilitation
Space rehabilitation

Towards a sustainable habitat
Sodira's farms have an exhaustive ecological plan for the rehabilitation of the area that makes it possible to return to the environment a sustainable natural habitat for the life of native species of flora and fauna.

More than 269 hectares of land restored

In-house team specialising in rehabilitation

7 centres for the valorisation of excavated land

2 integrated CDW treatment centres

We care for ecosystems in a particular way
A specific action plan is established for each quarry, taking into account its particular ecosystem and that of its surroundings, and paying special attention to the associated risks. At Sodira we seek to take advantage of our work to promote improvements in areas of little environmental interest, as in the case of our award-winning restorations.

Sustainable extraction at source
Dedicamos un importante esfuerzo por aplicar los principios y conceptos básicos del desarrollo sostenible en nuestras explotaciones mineras a cielo abierto y sus plantas de tratamiento, desde el momento inicial de la extracción, buscando minimizar el impacto en el sistema natural en todo el proceso mediante la realización de una Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental para garantizar que los posibles impactos sobre la biodiversidad se prevengan o se corrijan.

Our quarry rehabilitation team
The Company has its own team of people specialised in the rehabilitation of natural spaces that have been subjected to mining exploitation, also offering its services to other companies in the sector. This team has a works management team that is responsible for complying with all the environmental requirements so that the restorations comply with the Environmental Impact Statements.
Distinguished work
SODIRA's track record in the field of natural habitat rehabilitation has been recognised with several awards:

1 er Sustainable Development Award 2019 in the category Special Biodiversity Award for Restorations in partnership with LafargeHolcim awarded by the Union of European Aggregates Producers (UEPG).

1 er Sustainable Development Award 2018 in the category of Biodiversity (Sectoral Project) by the Aggregates Federation.

1 er sustainable development award for large companies in the category of ENVIRONMENT -BIODIVERSITY by the Aggregates Federation

1 er AFA de Castilla - La Mancha Award in the category of GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES for AFA de Castilla - La Mancha