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Health and Safety

Health and Safety



"The safety of our employees and partners remains our top priority, above all other aspects of our work.

Our corporate health and safety values are the cornerstone of our principles and our work. We believe that all occupational accidents are preventable, so our goal is "zero accidents", and to minimise the risk of occupational accidents and illnesses.


40% fewer lost-time accidents by 2022
at our 10 active farms



We work exhaustively in the investigation of accidents, as well as in the planning and execution of action plans for the continuous improvement of our facilities, work teams, training of our workers and all the factors that can affect and progress towards the objective of "zero accidents".



During the year 2023, the development, implementation and training of the new Safety Management System based on ISO 45001 was carried out, which is even more integrated into our activity and which we trust will be a key element in Sodira to protect the health and safety of workers and third parties accessing our facilities.


As part of our preventive activity, we carry out Technical Audits every four months, developed and prepared by our external prevention service, QUIRÓN PREVENCIÓN.

These are TECHNICAL AUDITS to assist and monitor compliance with the operative sections of our Management System, with the subsequent preparation of reports by QUIRON PREVENTION on our level of compliance, with the aim of identifying our strong points in each work centre or those points where it is necessary to allocate more resources.

All accidents can and should be avoided

The management of Sodira Iberia, S.L., aware that the activity it carries out may cause damage to the safety and health of our workers and collaborators, has developed a management system for the prevention of occupational risks integrated into its activity in accordance with the following principles:

pdfHealth and Safety Policy

Seguridad y salud  1
  • marcaThe safety of our employees and partners remains our top priority above all other aspects of our work.

  • marcaAll current occupational health and safety legislation applicable to the company's activities shall be complied with.

  • marcaPreventive activity is aimed at eliminating risks and assessing and mitigating those that could not be eliminated.

  • marcaPreventive measures shall be determined by acting at the source of the risks, with collective protection taking precedence over individual protection.

  • marcaThe choice of equipment and working methods shall be made with a view to reducing monotonous and repetitive work and its effects on the health of workers.

  • marcaPrevention planning shall integrate the technical, organisational, conditions, social relations and environmental factors at work.

  • marcaOnly workers who have received sufficient training and information shall be allowed access to an area with an identified risk.

  • marcaBefore a worker is assigned a task, his or her professional safety and health capability to perform the task shall be considered.

  • marcaWorkers have the right to be actively involved in issues related to risk prevention at work.

  • marcaAny employee of Sodira Iberia, S.L. has the right and the obligation to stop any unsafe work that he/she detects.

  • marcaWorking safely is a condition of employment at Sodira Iberia, S.L.